Sleep - are you getting enough?
Keeping active - Why is exercise so good?
Information and activity ideas to keep a positive outlook -

Remember, everything that we hear is not always true. Talk to an adult if you hear or read somthing that is troubling you.
When reading about coronavirus, use a trusted website such as:
If you are feeling anxious or worried, you can try one of these activities -
Books to read or listen to -
The Very Hungry Worry Monsters by Lara Ede – listen to the book being read aloud here.
• Ruby’s Worry by Tom Percival – listen to the book being read aloud here.
The Huge Bag of Worries by Virginia Ironside – listen to the book being read aloud here.
• Jack’s Worry by Sam Zuppardi – listen to the book being read aloud here.
• The Don't Worry Book By Todd Parr – listen to the book being read aloud here.
• Don't Worry Bear by Greg Foley – listen to the book being read aloud here.
• The Worry Box by Suzanne Cheiw‐bVNvlYn34 – skip to 1:05 to listen to the book being read aloud.