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Welcome to Year 2's class page!

We are a class of 24 enthusiastic learners, lead by our teacher Mrs Cannon. 

A warm welcome to our class page, where we would like to share our learning with you. On our page you will find pictures, examples of work as well as important notices/dates for your diary. Included at the bottom of the page is an overview of what topics are covered term by term.   

We hope you enjoy being a part of our learning journey!

An overview of the year....

Please click on the icon below to get an overview of the curriculm being provided for your child this year.  We are very busy in Year 2 and would love it if you would support us by discussing topics covered in school at home or by visiting the library so we are able to further enhance our knowledge through sharing books.

Key Information

PE lessons will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday. 

Please ensure that your child is sent into school with their full PE kit on a Monday so that it can remain in school for both lessons and be returned home to be washed on Friday. If your child is still struggling to get themselves changed, please continue to practise this at home so that they are able to do this independently.

Reading books will be changed every Friday.  On a Friday, your child will receive two reading books.  When possible, try and read for 10 minutes each day with your child.  It is good practise to read the books provided more than once to help develop your child's fluency and vocabulary acquisition.  Please record any reading completed at home in the reading record provided.  It is so important that your child reads regulary and we really appreciate your support on this matter.  So that your child can read as often as possible, please send in their home reading books into school every day so that they can be read with an adult in school as well.

Your child will be sent home with their log-in details so that they can access both the Spelling Shed and TTRS apps. We also ask that you read with your child at least 5 times a week for 5-10 minutes.


This term, we will be focussing on the book Look Up! by Nathon Bryon. We will be sequencing events and structuring sentences using adventurous vocabulary, with a focus on description.  We will keep you posted with some of our fabulous work!


This term we are concenrating on place value and recapping all our knowledge from Year 1. We will be looking at numbers to 100 and partitioning them into tens and ones. 


Religious Education

We will be looking at Branch 1 which is all about Creation and Covenant.  We will be reflecting on the Holy Trinity and developing our understanding of Advent and the Nativity story. 

Useful websites

Times Tables

We use these songs at the start of our Maths lessons as a fun way of learning to count in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. Ask your child to show you their funky moves!

Counting By Fives Song Video.mp4Counting By Threes Song Video.mp4Skip Counting By 2 Song Video - Beginner (1).mp4Counting By Tens Song Video.mp4
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