Welcome to Year 3!
Welcome to the class page for Year 3, here you will find out some information about timetable and class expectations. Year 3 marks the beginning of KS2, which means the children will be starting to work more independently on a variety of exciting and fun themes.
This year your child's teachers are Mrs Wilson (Mon-Wed) and Mrs O'Hara (Wed-Fri).
On this page, you should find all of the information that you will need about your child's curriculum and their everyday routines. Please also remember to follow us on X (Twitter) @StAugustinesCPS to see regular updates with photographs and information about the learning we do in Year 3.
If you ever have any questions or would like support with anything at all, please feel free to speak with your child's teachers at the end of the day or simply speak to the office and ask them to make an appointment to see us.
Blessed Sacraments: Year 3 also marks an important year for the Catholic children in their journey through the Sacraments. This year they will take part in Reconcilliation and then make their First Holy Communion. These are very special times which will help bring the children closer to God. More information will be given to you about these events in the new year as we begin our preparations.

Key information:
Lessons will take place on a Monday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor) . As the weather is particularly chilly at the moment, please ensure that you have suitable outdoor PE to wear. We regularly post photos of our PE sessions on X so you can see the new skills that we are learning.
Learning at home:
Reading diaries will be checked daily, homework collected and books changed on Friday. Your child will receive a comprehension task or maths activity, this will always reinforce the learning that has taken place in class.
How can I help my child at home?
The most important thing is to continue to help with homework, reading x3 weekly, spellings and times tables. By the time your child begins Year 3, they should be able to recall all the times tables and division facts for their 2s, 5s, 10s. They should already know all of the Year 1/2 statutory spellings and they will begin their 3/4 statutory spellings. These are attached below for your reference.
Your child will learn that it is their own hard work and effort that matters, not someone else’s. Many of these tasks will supplement the work your child has been learning about in school and so are a very beneficial way of reinforcing their learning.
The Top 100 Books to read in Year 3
Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | The Reader Teacher
The websites they can access from home using their login cards:
What have we been getting up to so far in the Autumn term?
What will we be learning about in Spring 1?
This half term, we will be studying the branch 'Galilee to Jerusalem'. We will learn that the Magi were seeking Jesus and travelled afar to meet Him after Jesus' birth. We will learn about the Kingdom of God and that it begins in all those who open their hearts to God's love. We will read the Bible and study miracles that Jesus worked, expressing his love for all people. These parables will also show the choices that people must make to accept the invitation to the Kingdom of God. We will pray the Our Father, reflecting on what it teaches us about the Kingdom of God we will learn about the life of a saint who worked to build the Kingdom of God.

In English this half term, we will be exploring this fantastic book by Satoshi Kitamura. We will be writing for different purposes throughout and it will lead to us writing a story from the point of view of the boy in the book.
We will be securing our use of present and past tenses correctly, using inverted commas to punctuate direct speech and building a varied and rich vocabulary which we can use in our written pieces. We look forward to sharing our writing with you and our new found knowledge about the stone age!
'Stone Age Boy'

In Maths this term, we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction, and multiplication and divison.
We will also be focusing on our times tables this year and practice these daily to ensure we are confident with our multiplication.
In Science, we will be learning about Forces and Magnets. This is an exciting topic which will involve us carrying out different investigations.

Personal Development
In RSHE, we will be learning about Jesus our friend and how we can reflect God's image in our own relationships. We will also be thinking about our own friendships with one another and what makes a healthy and positive friendship. We will also discuss what we can do to mend broken friendships and use Bible stories to reflect on the beauty of forgiveness and reconcilation within the breakdown of friendships.
In PSHE, we will develop a greater awareness of bullying; that all bullying is wrong and how to respond to bullying. We will also learn about harassment and exploitation in relationships and how to respond.
How are we putting Pope Francis' message into action?

After our first topic in RE, Creation and Covenant, we were inspired by Pope Francis' letter called Laudato Si' and we try to care for God's creation in our everyday actions. We aim to recycle, use less water, turn off the light switches when we are not in the classroom, keep our environment clean and tidy and pick up litter when we see it on the ground. We are trying to spread this message throughout the school and in our own homes. If we all act as stewards of God, we can protect this wonderful world we have been gifted!