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Welcome to Nursery where learning is fun!

 At St Augustine's we recognise that Nursery is often your child's first venture into the world outside their family home.  Their Nursery experience creates the foundations for the future.  We are very privileged to be part of your child's journey at this very exciting time and we strive to provide experiences of the highest care and quality .  

Things to Remember

PE Kits - Only needed if you have been asked to bring a PE kit into Nursery

Book Bags - Library books and home readers can be changed as often as you like.

Our Outdoor Learning environment is used every day in all weather.  Please send your child with a warm coat and appropriate foot wear. 

Snack is provided in Nursery for a cost of £1.50 per week.  Please pay this to the nursery team. 

Lunch children can bring a packed lunch or pay for a school dinner.  

Goody Bear might come to stay with you for the week end.  If he comes to your house please encourage your child to look after him and add to his diary.



Parents as Partners

As parents and carers you are the primary educators for your children it is therefore essential that we work in  partnership to support your children on their learning journey.  Together we can help your child to become a happy and successful learner!  We are always ready to listen so please speak to a member of our team if you have any questions or concerns.


  • Enjoying books and stories with your child
  • Regularly talking to your child about what you can see, hear, smell etc
  • Encouraging your child to make marks for different purposes, for example a birthday card, a shopping list or simply exploration.
  • Provide opportunities for counting and look out for numbers in the environment
  • Encouraging independence when eating, getting dressed or undressed, especially putting their coat on and fastening it. 

Please look out for the dates of our regular 'stay and play' mornings 

The following are useful websites to use at home:

phonics play(6)hungry little mindsnumber blocks(2)

What Your Child Can Do And When They Can Do It

The document below explains the developmental milestones for young children.  It is useful to look at especially if you would like to support your child at home.  Please ask if you are unsure about anything. 

Useful Documents

If you require any further information please ask one of our team

Our Nursery email address is   smolden@st-augustines-warrington.co.uk

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