Celebrating Judaism
Celebrating Islam
Celebrating Other Faiths
This year we took the British Value of Respect and explored how it is lived out in other faiths. Each class chose one of the 6 World Faiths and investigated how Respect is taught through religious texts and how members of the faith put their beliefs into action, just as we do in Christianity. We found that every faith teaches this value, and that although religious texts and practices are diverse, we all have the same British Values in common!
Judaism Week and Islam Week
This year we have spent time learning all about the religions of Judaism and Islam as part of our Religious Education and focus on British Values, helping to ensure that our children are well-developed citizens of modern Britain.
Each class from Nursery to Year 6 takes a different focus of the religion and the children learn all about it creatively; producing artwork, DT, ICT presentations and role-play photographs, as well as written work.
At the end of the week we shared all our good work with parents and families during an assembly, and we have collectively created a display in the Hall for our visitors to see, and to remind us that by showing respect to all others, we are truly folllowing in Jesus' footsteps as our Mission Statement suggests.
As part of our British Values Day, Year 2 learned about the Jewish Faith. We made Star of David decorations and found out about Shabbat.