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Mini VInnies (Junior SVP)


Who are the 'Mini Vinnies? This after school club is a junior Saint Vincent de Paul (SVP) group ran by the children, supported by Mrs O'Hara.

The ‘Mini Vinnies’ at St  Augustine's are a group of children who take time to look around our local community and see who needs help, turn their concern into action by thinking about how we can help them and then take action to make a difference wherever they can.“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

We also work on larger projects to support people nationally or internationally who need our support. 

As Mini Vinnies, the children have their own special Prayer, Pledge and Badge, a dedicated website and a range of bright and colourful documents which guide them in their formative steps – helping and enabling them to become in every sense, young Vincentians – or ‘Mini Vinnies’.

'Mini Vinnies' are children aged between 7 to 11 (or younger) who, with the permission of their parents and the support of their Schools, are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible 'Vincentians for life'.  


Where did it all begin?

The Society of St Vincent de Paul has been engaging with young people and education since its earliest days. Today the SVP England & Wales is pleased to highlight its continuing strong links with young people, through the development of its new 'Mini Vinnies' programme - a ground-breaking Primary Schools initiative, based on good work done in Australia, piloted in the Diocese of Shrewsbury, and which is seen as having, "the potential to significantly contribute to the future of our Society."



Our latest appeal...

What we have we share logo

Our Lenten Campaign is 'What we have, we share.' We will be thinking about the different ways that we can share our gifts with our local community. 

Christmas appeal: Christmas cards for prisoners


We really enjoyed working on this project where we are using recycled Christmas cards and 'upcyclycled' them so that they can be used by prisoners to give to their friends or family at Christmas. These were collected late November and handed over to the chaplains to distribute. We hope that these cards brought happiness to those in receipt of them. 

Mini Vinnies Song

Mini Vinnies song (youtube.com)

Follow this link to listen to the Mini Vinnies song that we like to sing at our weekly meetings. 

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