PE Home Learning

Below you will find lots of great resources to keep you active at home. You should do at least 60 minutes of activity a day!
Your Teacher's will be sending you PE links for the week, but I have added some extra things for you to do one here.
It is very important to keep active as this helps keep our bodies and our minds active. I love seeing all you physical activity at home so please keep tweeting anything you do using the #STAPE
Click on the pictures below and they will take you through to the website.
There are also lts of great resources on the 'Sports week at home' page on our website.
Keep moving
Miss Gregory

Below are resources that will support you with your PE lessons.
Creative Steps Dance
You will all remember Alicia, she worked with you all last year. She has lots of short videos to support you with any dance work. Look at the videos and see if you can copy her routines or even better, use them to make up your own ones. I would love to see them so remember to tweet them or email them to me
Guided Lessons – Creative Steps
Primary PE
Lots of great home PE ideas, with a weekly challange
Power of PE
Lots of great resources on here.
P.E at Home - Child Friendly lesson plans (L5 & 6 added) - Power of PE | Stoke-on-Trent
Meditation is a great way to clear your mind and help you to focus and relax. Try some of these short meditation videos to help you relax. If you ever feel worried or scared these will help you to relax. Do remember to talk to a grown up and tell them how you are feeling.
Mindfulness Meditation for Kids | BREATHING EXERCISE | Guided Meditation for Children - YouTube
Meditation For Children (Calming activity) - YouTube
Guided Meditation for Children | THE GRATITUDE TREE | Kids Meditation for Happiness - YouTube
Meditation for Kids - Headspace