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Role of Governors

School governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together with the headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school's aims and policies. As well as this they hold the headteacher to account for pupil attainment and progress, performance management, financial performance and have a number of duties which include the appointing and dismissal of staff, ensuring pupil and staff are safe, hearing appeals and setting standards. The role of the governor is very important to our school. 


Mr David Bentley
Father Peter Montgomery
Mrs Catriona Watson
Mr Ian Heseltine 
Admissions Appeals
Any 3 Governors subject to availability and impartiality
Standards & Curriculum Committee
Mr David Bentley
Mr David Bentley (Observer)
Mrs Catriona Watson
Mr Adrian O'Callaghan
Miss Ann Dutton

Finance & Premises Committee

Mr David Bentley
Father Peter Montgomery
Dr Mary Coughlin
Mrs Helen Eden
Mrs Catriona Watson
Headteacher Performance Management
Mrs Catriona Watson
Father Peter Montgomery
Mr Adrian O'Callaghan
TBC (Reviewing Officer)
Personnel & Policy Committee
Mr David Bentley
Father Peter Montgomery
Mrs Helen Eden
Mr Ian Hestletine
Mrs Catriona Watson
Mrs Francesca Garrity
Pay & Performance
Mr David Bentley
Father Peter Montgomery
Mrs Catriona Watson
Mr Adrian O'Callaghan
Mrs Helen Eden
Governor: Mrs Catriona Watson  
Category Foundation Parent Governor
Appointed 1st September 2016
Term of Office End 31st August 2024
Appointing Body Diocese of Shrewsbury
Committees Standards & Curriculum
  Headteacher's Performance Management
  Pay & Performance
  Finance & Premises
  Policy & Personnel
Position of Responsibility Chair of Governors
  English Link Governor
  Pupil Premium Link Governor
  Most Able Link Governor
Business Interests Nil
Relationships to School Staff Nil
Other Educational Establishments Nil
Governor: Father Peter Montgomery  
Category Foundation Governor
Appointed 8th September 2003
Term of Office End 31st August 2024
Appointing Body Diocese of Shrewsbury
Committees Finance & Premises 
  Personnel & Policy
  Pay & Performance
  Headteacher Perfomance Management
Position of Responsibilty Chair of Finance & Premises
  Religious Education Link Governor
Business Interest Nil
Relationships to School Staff Nil
Other Educational Establishments

Our Lady's Catholic Primry School, Cardinal Newman Catholic High School

Governor: Mr David Bentley  
Category Staff Governor - Headteacher
Appointed 1st September 2024
Term of Office End Date  
Appointing Office By virtue of the role
Committees All Committees
Position of Responsibility Headteacher
Business Interests Nil
Relationships to School Staff Nil
Other Educational Establishments Nil
Governor: Mrs Helen Eden  
Category Foundation
Appointed 1st May 2018
Term of Office End Date 31st August 2025
Appointing Body Diocese of Shresbury
Committees Personnel and Policy
  Finance & Premises
  Pay & Performance
Position of Responsibility Safeguarding Link Governor
  Looked After Children Link Governor
Business Interests Nil
Relationships to School Staff Nil
Other Educational  Establishments Nil
Governor: Mrs Katherine Lowry  
Category Parent
Appointed 9th October 2018
Term of Office End Date 8th October 2026
Appointing Body Parent Election
Committees Standards & Curriculum
Position of Responsibility Sports Premium Link Governor
  RSE/PHSE Link Governor
Business Interests Nil
Relationships to School Staff Nil
Other Educational Establishments Nil
Governor: Mr Ian Heseltine  
Category Foundation
Appointed 12th December 2019
Term of Office End Date 31st August 2024
Appointing Body Diocese of Shrewsbury
Committees Policy & Personnel
Position of Responsibility Vice Chair of Governors
  Health & Safety Link Governor
Business Interests Nil
Relationships to School Staff Nil
Other Educational Establishments Nil
Governor: Mr Adrian O'Callaghan  
Category Foundation
Appointed 1st September 2021
Term of Office End Date 31st August 2025
Appointing Body Diocese of Shrewsbury
Committees Standards & Curriculum
  Headteachers Performance Management
  Pay & Performance
Position of Responsibility Vice Chair of Governors
  SEND Link Governor
Business Interests Nil
Relationships to School Staff Nil
Other Educational Establishments TBC
Governor: Dr Mary Coughlin  
Category Foundation
Appointed 1st September 2021
Term of Office End Date: 31st August 2025
Appointing Body Diocese of Shrewsbury
Committees Finance and Premises
Position of Responsibiliy Equality & Diversity
Business Interest Nil
Relationships to School Staff Nil
Other Educational Establishements Nil
Governor: Miss Ann Dutton  
Category Staff
Appointed 16th September 2022
Term of Office End Date 15th September 2026
Appointing Body Staff election
Committees Standards & Curriculum
Position of Responsibility TBC
Business Interest Nil
Relationship to School Staff Nil
Other Educational Establishments Nil
Governor: Mrs Francesca Garrity  
Category Parent
Appointed 25th September 2023
Term of Office End Date  
Appointing Body Parent nomination
Committee Policy & Personnel 
Position of Responsibility TBC
Business Interest Nil
Relationships to School Staff Nil
Other Educational Establishments


Governor Vacancy: Local Authority Governor  
Governor Vacancy: Foundation Governor  

Maria Warburton - Clerk to the Governing Body


Any correspondence for the Chair of Governors should be sent for the attention of Mrs Catriona Watson, c/o St Augustine's Catholic Primary School, Henshall Avenue, Latchford, Warrington, WA4 1PY

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